
Total: 10

Capacity Building in CSE Community Outreach - Advocating for CSE & Youth Friendly Services

Added by: Liamjod

This toolkit was published in 2014 as part of a regional programme entitled, ‘Strengthening Sexual and Reproductive Health and HIV Prevention amongst Children and Young People Through Promoting Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Eastern and Southern Africa’, funded by Sweden/Norad. It aims to improve community engagement in children’s and young people’s access to comprehensive sexuality education and services in selected East and southern African countries.
Nov 28th, 2016

Global Changemakers - Fundraising Toolkit

Added by: Liamjod

After completing this toolkit you will have a great fundraising strategy in place!
Nov 28th, 2016

Global Changemakers Boîte à outils pour la gestion de projet

Added by: Liamjod

Ces outils vous guide tout au long du processus du projet, de l’idée à la fin, en vous donnant un guide étape par étape sur la manière dont vous pouvez gérer un projet fructueux et de grande valeur qui fait une réelle différence.
Nov 28th, 2016

Global Changemakers Project Management Toolkit

Added by: Liamjod

Learn from our Changemakers how to run your own project! Complete with fill-in forms, examples and videos!
Nov 28th, 2016

Global Changemakers Social Media Toolkit

Added by: Liamjod

This toolkit will show you how to come up with a Social Media strategy for your project.
Nov 28th, 2016

MDGs and beyond: What’s in a post 2015 agenda for youth?

Added by: Liamjod

The Millennium Development goals (MDG), a set of goals and targets to halve global poverty by 2015 were endorsed in the year 2000. While only one MDG target explicitly focuses on youth – ‘the development and implementation of strategies for decent and productive work for youth,’ the MDGs should essentially be about the development of young people – since they address some of the challenges of today’s youth such as HIV/AIDS, environmental sustainability and education, and any process towards setting a new agenda post 2015 needs to integrate the aspirations and values of the youth themselves.
Apr 10th, 2015

Policies for Sexuality Education in the European Union

Added by: Liamjod

Completed in 2013, this report evaluates the state of play of the provision of sexuality education in the context of schooling and in the context of family planning facilities in 24 European Union Member States. The note compares the situation in the Member States and gives an overview of the points of reflexion in relation to sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Nov 28th, 2016

State of World Population 2016 - How our future depends on a girl at age ten

Added by: Liamjod

An estimated 125 million 10-year-olds are alive today, part of the largest number of young people in human history. In many ways, a 10-year-old girl’s life trajectory will be the true test of whether the 2030 Agenda is a success—or failure.
Nov 28th, 2016

UNESCO Comprehensive Sexuality Education - A Global Review 2015

Added by: Liamjod

A global review of the state of CSE defined as: Age appropriate, culturally relevant approach to teaching about sexuality and relationships by providing scientifically accurate, realistic, non-judgemental information.
Nov 28th, 2016

Youth Voices on a Post-2015 World

Added by: Liamjod

‘Youth Voices on a Post-2015 World’ is the result of youth consultations that were run in 12 countries globally from October 2012 to January 2013 to understand young people’s views on what should come after the Millennium Development Goals. 346 young people were given the space to discuss the local and global issues of importance to them, and articulate their solutions and visions for a world beyond 2015.
Apr 10th, 2015