
Proposal: Open letter to Sec Gen on centrality of youth issues

Posted by Liamjod on 23 Feb 2015

Over the weekend there was a proposal that we the take the lead in organizing a letter on behalf a large group of youth organizations to the Secretary-General and the post 2015 co-facilitators, copied to the PGA, outlining the centrality of youth issues and the need for their inclusion.

Noemi would be happy to provide more information and support for this. 

Consideration of an oped-ed or letter to a media outlet, which UNFPA could help produce and place. 

Noemi would like to know what we think of these proposals.

Apply for the Stakeholder Steering Committee and speaking roles during the 23-27 March negotiating session for the post-2015 development agenda -

Posted by Liamjod on 21 Feb 2015

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